RZD Trading Company

Board of Directors

RZD Trade Board of Directors is the key link in the corporate management system of the company. The main tasks of the Board include strategic management and long-termsustainable development, monitoring of the main processes and analysis of RZD Trade directors’ efficiency in attaining the development goals, specified by the Board of Directors, and making sure the rights and interests of the shareholders are properly upheld.

The Board of Directors comprises seven persons. The Board Members have unblemished business reputation, good knowledge and understanding of the company’s activity as well as the railway industry at large, in order to build the essential information exchange with the top management and to ensure high operational efficiency of the Board.

Members of the Board of Directors (elected by the annual general meeting on June 30, 2020)

  • Irina Mitichkina — director of Russian Railways’ Roszheldorsnab;
  • Evgeny Alexeev — MC RVM Capital’s head of private equity department;
  • Dmitry Belyaev;
  • Andrey Borisov — deputy director of Russian Railways’ subsidiaries and affiliates department;
  • Irina Magnushevskaya — deputy director of Russian Railways’ economy department;
  • Oleg Rusanov — deputy division head of Russian Railways’ security department;
  • Alexey Volodarsky — MC RVM Capital’s CFO.

Sergey Slastinov— RZD Trade’s corporate secretary